User-created Trails

Hello, I was wondering if CurateScape has a way that users can select pins/locations to create their own trail? In other words, rather than pick from your tours, can users pick locations that are not linked together by a tour to create their own driving route? Thanks for any help!

Hi @brendanpbd, Curatescape doesn’t currently have that capability. Users would need to manually use the “Get Directions” link for each individual location they wanted to visit in the order they want to visit (the “Get Directions” link opens in either the Google Maps website, the Google Maps app, or the Apple Maps app depending on the user’s platform). We’ve considered adding an option for multi-stop directions in the past, but have not pursued it due to the complexity of multi-stop map routing and the inevitable need for users to modify whatever directions we’re able to generate programatically.

PS: there is actually a theme option that allows users to link to a multi-stop map from an existing tour on the web, but it is turned off by default since the results are not always great.

Ok, good to know. Thanks for the quick response!