While the official Curatescape mobile apps require a (very affordable!) service fee, many projects have been launched by tech-savvy users as web-only, using our free, open source web components (i.e. the Curatescape theme and plugins). We want to help you promote your project and learn more about how you’re using Curatescape. Let us know here on the forums or drop us an email, Twitter @reply, or Facebook mention and we’ll add you to the Curatescape Projects directory.
A geology professor and I launched this–it has the coolest logo of any Curatescape site: http://floodexplorer.org/
Floodexplorer.org is now running the latest Curatescape theme (great theme btw), and now students have written a native Android app that is available on the play store. Our project used existing open source plugins and theme for the website and server components, customizing the codebase, creating custom logos, and building an original mobile Android app. The app itself is written entirely in Java and takes full advantage of the ability to use Google Maps and clustering. An iOS version is in the works as well and will also be utilizing Google maps and clustering… I would be very interested in working with anyone who would like to utilize the work we have done, as this is first and foremost a great educational opportunity.
Very cool! Thanks for sharing this.