Hi @ebell. Thinking ahead to the end of our project, I’m hypothetically wondering if I should make the site static content as part of our archiving phase.
I was looking at this guide: Omeka Staticify with 👜🕸, and wondering if content made 100% with the curatescape plugins and the story item type could be made static like this.
This is just a though experiment, but I was curious.
It’s possible but it would require significant editing of the theme before creating the static output (via wget, etc). You’d need to remove search, obviously, but also most of the maps, which rely on JSON output generated by the database. I’m not sure what else might come up, but feel free to report back with results/questions.
I think given we’re archiving our stories in two national repositories (the Digital Repository of Ireland and the People’s Collection of Wales), we should probably just focus on keeping the website updated in the medium term and then eventually retire it. It’s something to consider, anyway.