Reduce space between title and story

In Echo, is there a reasonably simple way - via CSS or theme settings - of reducing some of the white space between a story title and the body of the text? While I get the importance of white space, it just feels like a lot…Even just reducing some of the padding under the featured image caption and on the top & bottom of the print/share icons would help. Thanks!

Hi @aaronbcowan, the layout is preferential to stories with subtitles, thus the extra space. Adding subtitles is always recommended, but here is the CSS you’d want to override using the Custom CSS theme setting:

article header .title-card-image figcaption{
  padding-bottom: 10vh; /* change the vh value */

Note that vh units measure a percentage of the vertical screen height. Much of the header area uses this technique so be sure to change the height of your browser window before and after making changes to make sure that the layout remains vertically responsive or at least that there are no glaring issues with element heights.

You could also change the height of the image.

article header .title-card-image .gallery-image {
  height: 550px; /* change the px value */
@media all and (max-width: 1000px){
  article header .title-card-image .gallery-image {
    height: 400px; /* change the px value */

Thanks, @ebell - we’re working on adding subtitles to our stories, so that will fill it out a bit. I’ll play around with this code and see what works