Please help me to start

Hi Guys, i just started to play with omeka and your very nice theme and i got some questions, cause not all is clear for me. First of all i want to thank You for your work. I wanted to make my city museum and coud not find this kind of theme for wordpress, and than somebody told me about omeka and i saw your theme - all i wanted - page with map and places on it, where many people can login and upload own photos and create a museum together.

As i mentioned im new user of omeka also, and i do not know how to start. I see not clear github instructions.

So my questions are:

  1. As i understand i can use your theme on omeka completely free as a private user and museum creator? I will register my museum on government Ministry on the future, but today its only a webpage of my city, its history etc. Am i right here?

  2. I want to also ask about “Basic information checklist” - as i understand, all this information i should send to your Company only if i buy payed version?

  3. Now question about Homepage - i can no see in documents how to create homepage like - how to achieve this map on top and other things under the map? Is there any manual step by step how to do it?

  4. I want also ask about omeka security - what are proper persmissions for files, i thinks manual instruction 755 is not quite well :slight_smile:

5. How can i translate buttons which are not translatted with omeka and mo files?
Thank You for help.

Hi @bktpl,

Answering each question in order below:

  1. Yes, the theme and plugins are free and open source.
  2. Correct. The Basic Information Checklist is only needed if you have signed a paid contract for app development, etc.
  3. After installing/activating the Curatescape theme and the required plugins, your default homepage will look similar to Cleveland Historical. Of course, you will need to upload your own logo and background images, configure your colors, and so on. You can do that in Admin > Appearance > Themes > Configure Theme. There you will find quite a lot of options for customization.
  4. This is a question for the Omeka Forum.
  5. This is a question for the Omeka Forum.

Thanks for reply.
One more question: how can i arrange pictures albums per user? I mean, i want to allow registered users to add their own albums and archive many photos, and sometimes use some of them in stories etc. Can it be done?

You could look at the Contribution Plugin (download | view manual), which adds a form for collecting items from the public. However, it’s generally recommended to just focus on building a small team of trained users who can log in to the admin side of your site. Curatescape isn’t very well-suited to public-facing collection in general, and definitely won’t be a good choice for creating user galleries. If that’s something you need, you may want to look at other Omeka themes. Either way – if I understand correctly – you’ll need to write some of your own code to accomplish what you’re describing.

Thaks, ill read this.

One more question:)
Disquiss is the only method for comments in your theme?

Disqus is the only option built into the theme. You could use other options with some very small changes.