Hi there -
So I went to upgrade our Tourbuilder plugin today, and ran into some issues. After doing the usual upload/extract/replace routine, when I clicked “Upgrade” in the Plugins dashboard, I got the same error outlined in this post: Error After Updating - Zend_Db_Statement
I followed @ebell’s helpful instructions about commenting out lines 73 & 74, saved the php file, refreshed the Plugins section, clicked Upgrade and…I get this.
Hi @aaronbcowan, looks like you commented out the wrong block. Below are the two blocks in question. The second one is what causes your current error message.
// Block One: if your old version was older than 1.4, we need this to add and enable the "postscript" text field.
if ($oldVersion < '1.4') {
$sql = "ALTER TABLE `$db->Tour` ADD COLUMN `postscript_text` text collate utf8_unicode_ci default NULL";
// Block Two: If your version was older than 1.5, you'll need this to remove the now-unnecessary "slug" field
if ($oldVersion < '1.5') {
$sql = "ALTER TABLE `$db->Tour` DROP COLUMN `slug`";
$sql = "ALTER TABLE `$db->Tour` DROP COLUMN `tour_image`";
I would start by commenting out the second block only. If you get another error, let me know here.
Sorry for this. When this bug arose, I was doing a bad job at tagging releases (which would have let me use more precise logic). This shouldn’t happen going forward.