Dropdown menu creation

I want to create a dropdown menu in my Omeka site and I am using Curatescape theme. I am trying to create the drop down menu with Simple Pages but it does not create the normal drop down structure. Can you please suggest me where can I start to look through in Omeka folder structure to manipulate for creating the drop down menu.
I am trying to follow Village Legacy Project this site as design. But dont know where to modify the file in omeka. For this I am trying to follow this jQuery documentation jQuery.mmenu documentation.

Appreciate you help.

Thanks in Advance

Hi @Nayeema, if you uncheck the Default Navigation box in theme settings (see screenshot below), you’ll be able to use a custom menu as configured at Admin > Appearance > Navigation.

I already did this. But I want to customize the menu file to add my own customization. Can you please tell me where to copy my customization of like the screenshot of the folder structure.


You may want to look at the globals.js file: