Hello Curatescape community,
My Curatescape digital archive is nearly finished! I am putting on the final touches now. One thing that I’ve been wanting to figure out how to do for a very long time (and I anticipate that it’s simple but I just can’t seem to figure out what I need to do) is adding more Dublin Core fields to the Item pages. For instance, I am using Date, Format, Language, and Coverage for each of my items, and am wanting to display that information on my live Item pages.
In the below-provided screenshot, I can see where I need to add new code to make this happen. But I can’t find any documentation (on Curatescape’s forum or on Omeka’s forum) on what functions to call for each of these fields that I am interested in displaying. If my hunch is correct – that there is a list of Dublin Core Item field functions that I can insert into the appropriate spaces in order to call them on Item pages, could someone point me to that resource?
Thanks very much.