Curatescape theme not working on Omeka 2.7 upgrade

I have installed the Upgraded version of 2.7 of Omeka and I installed Curatescape theme on that version. But now the problem is that in the browser the site is a blank screen whatever I do. Like creating of new pages and items. I see all the data going into the database but nothing is coming on the brwoser just a blank screen. Also when I changed the theme to other theme the browser is showing everything. Can you please suggest some troubleshooting step.

Thank you

Hi @Nayeema , can you tell me what version of the Curatescape theme you have installed (see the theme.ini file)? Can you access the theme configuration settings for the Curatescape theme? Have you activated the various required/recommended plugins? If you ‘view source’ on the page, can you see an error or share the HTML, if any. Are any errors logged on your server or in the browser console? Are the theme files in a properly named directory, like /themes/curatescape/index.php or is there an additional folder or different names in that path?

Sorry for the late reply. The curatescape version:2.2.1. I can view the config.ini file and can see the page content. To view the View Source here is the link . There nothing information in it about the error. Also the theme is in the correct position. Also the theme file is on the html theme curatescape folder. Can you please suggest different way to troubleshoot. And All the plugins are updated the curatescape needs.


Hi @Nayeema, the current version of the Curatescape theme is 3.3.0, so I’d start by upgrading the theme.

Releases · CPHDH/theme-curatescape · GitHub

I had a look at the site this morning and here are a few more notes.

I’d definitely suggest turning on error reporting to get a more useful error message. See: Retrieving Error Messages - Omeka Classic User Manual

Looking at the source, it appears the page loading fails where the header is looking to output the title for use on Twitter cards (see screenshot below). I’m not sure what to make of that

Based on the little that is actually loaded before the error, it seems you’re loading in a custom Google Font and have modified the CSS file in multiple places with the font commented out, i.e. /*font-family: 'Cormorant Garamond', serif;*/. While this doesn’t in itself explain anything, it suggests you may have some customizations elsewhere that aren’t working as intended. This is just a guess since I can’t see your actual theme code. Do you know if you’re using Curatescape theme as delivered or if it includes modifications?

You should also have a look at the Admin > Plugins area to ensure that the final steps for plugin upgrades have been completed (i.e. are any of the plugins highlighted in green with an “upgrade” button?).

Does saving your theme settings have any impact?

Again, enabling error messages is a good first step, and updating the theme to the current version is also a good idea, assuming you don’t mind losing any hard-coded customizations.

Seems like installing the new version of the theme worked for the site. I do not want to close the thread yet. just want to troubleshoot a bit.


Ok, great. Keep me posted.

The theme is working fine. No issues with it after this. You can close this thread.

