Curatescape and User Analytics

So I am drilling down in the Google Analytics for and trying to figure out how often specific stories have been accessed. Take for example this story about an Indian boarding school–how many people have looked at it? Boarding School Days - Fort Spokane Tour | Spokane Historical

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Hi @larrycebula you should be able to log into your analytics account and find the page under Behavior > All Pages and then click on the one you want. Using your example above, it would be listed as items/show/53. Then you can modify the date span to see change/accumulation over time. See attached screenshot.

Erin, you are a good man to know!

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I’d love to see some comparisons between all of the different Curatescape sites. @ebell Have you ever considered setting up a secondary Google Analytics tracking code that we could all include to aggregate our analytics into a single Google Analytics account? Alternatively, we could pick a couple of metrics and all add our numbers into a shared Google Spreadsheet. Either way, I’d be really interested to share my data and see others.

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Hi @pousson, I’m not sure we want to track usage in aggregate in any formal manner, but you’re welcome to solicit data from other projects. Keep in mind that many of the projects have very different goals and audiences and resources that might make comparisons difficult to parse into useful information. In any case, it would certainly be interesting to review.