Call to Action Button

Can a ‘call to action’ button be added to the header through the custom css box? If so, what would the custom css be? Thanks, Barry

There are a few options for doing something like this, though I’d need to have a clearer sense of what you mean before adding much detail.

If you just have some html and javascript you want to load in (and you understand how to do such things), you could look at the Theme Helper plugin, which will help you make those changes without modifying the Curatescape theme:

This plugin is a personal project of mine and not affiliated with or endorsed by Curatescape, Cleveland State University, etc. but it should work just fine if this is what you need.

Hi @Barry, quick followup, we added a few options for Calls to Action in the latest version of the theme. Not sure if it’s exactly what you have in mind, but it may be useful nonetheless.

Looks good, thanks Erin. I’ll update the theme.

Works like a charm! Thanks again.